Marcelo Bacellar

Work  /  About

Dollarita Steve

Brand: Applebee’s
Agency: Grey NY
Role: ACD/AD
A San Fransisco local, Steve, was interviewed about an earthquakewhere he talked about"The Dollarita, Applebee's signature $1 margarita.” The local news interview went viral. Realizing Dollarita Steve was a walking billboard for the Applebee’s, we immediately signed him to go spread the word. We turned Dollarita Steve into the brand influencer while making Dollarita part of social conversation. He was featured on several media outlets, which brought attention and awareness to Applebee’s, resulting in a new wave of younger Applebee’s customers.
Case Study

Steve’s viral interview
One year later, we invited Dollarita Steve to be the spokesperson for the last day of Dollarita promotion.

Grey NY Creative Team:
Lance Parish - ECD
Anna Wehr - CD CW
Laura Osborne - CD AD
Matthew Everts - ACD CW
Marcelo Bacellar - ACD AD
Emily Chou - AD
Chris Chiarulli - CW